
Showing posts from March, 2018

Session 5 is up! How do they save the seraph?

New posts are up! See the crazy plan my players hatched to liberate the seraph from the lamp while avoiding massive food shortages and detection in Session 5: Saving the Seraph & Drugging the Town ! My notes on the session are also available. In other news, I started reading a new series this week, on the recommendation of Shanna Germain from Monte Cook Games. The Invisible Library  by Genevieve Cogman is a fantasy/ sci-fi delight with alternate dimensions, literary references galore, and intriguing characters. I loved the 1st book, and am diving into the sequel today. Can't wait! Other nerdy hobbies from my household. It lights up!

Session 4 & New Cast Member

Session 4, On the Road & Loreda is up! See how our brave vigilantes cope with small-town life. There's also the accompanying GM Notes for that game. This week there's also a little bonus post! In between sessions 3 and 4 we had a new player join, so our Meet the Cast page has been updated. Head on over to meet the newest PC: Cerena . If you're bored this winter, or are looking for some new fantasy material to draw from, Brandon Sanderson has just released White Sand 2, the sequel to White Sand. These graphic novels feature a complex story line, a totally unique magical system, and some really beautiful art.