
My name is Amancay, and this is my gaming story.

In 2014 my college friend asked me to join his Pathfinder campaign. I played Navani, a half-elf ranger with magical flaming arrows. During that semester we met regularly and defeated the evil fire nation, who were intent on sacrificing a nearby kingdom to their fire-breathing dragon lord. Navani died in a blaze of glory so I could go study for finals, but my love for gaming had just started to live.

That summer my fiance, Matthew, and I were introduced to Numenera, a new game from Monte Cook Games.  Featuring a blend of sci-fi and fantasy, Numenera grabbed my attention with its vivid world and its emphasis on story-telling over mechanics.  At heart (and in my day job), I'm a performing artist, and breathing life into my character was what I wanted out of RPG's.  Over the next few years I would play Numenera and The Strange from MCG, along with a smidgen of Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu.

Along the way my now-husband started GM'ing and writing Numenera for us, and I started to wonder if I could GM too.  In 2016 I was cajoled into running one of Matthew's Numenera adventures at Gen Con, through the Contessa Women's Game Night, where all the GM's would be female.  It was a success, and I loved running the game.

In late 2016 I read Gods of the Fall, a world setting from Bruce Cordell, meant to be run as a Monte Cook Cypher System Game.  The dark, post-apocalyptic world drew me in, and played to my long standing love of world mythologies. Matthew and I found some friends, and I've been writing and running a biweekly campaign since January 2017.

This blog features session write ups from our adventures, and my notes on choices made in the writing and the GM'ing, and anything interesting that cropped up during the session.  I have hopes of publishing an adventure officially some day, but in the meantime am happy to be providing inspiration for any campaign you might be running.  Happy gaming!  

Me with Johnny, my mom's cat/ small lion


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